Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The weekend.

Saturday I went up to Swan's place to help setup the course for Sunday's race. Thanks to ample course tape, I suspect it was the most legit Swandrome cross race to date. I was pretty excited to get my first race done, and hopefully shake the rust off before next weekend's Verge races in VT. Perhaps too excited...

After finishing the course, we did some hot laps with a small pack. As we entered one of the wooded sections, I flatted my front wheel on a small rocky section. I was going probably 15mph through a shallow turn at the time and could not steer the bike at all upon exiting. Next stop- the tree on the outside of the turn.

I hit it square on, cracking my helmet and injuring my neck. Expensive little flat.

I tried to wake up and race the next day, but lacking the ability to turn my head and the noticeable pain precluded any racing. Hopefully it clears up before the weekend. And hopefully I don't suck in VT because I haven't ridden in 4 days thanks to this and ample work to keep me inside. Ugh...

1 comment:

Colin R said...

Not riding for 4 days = peaking, duh.

Seriously, that's what I'm doing this week. VT is the biggest race of the season because if you kill it you can get callups for the rest of the verge calendar.