Thursday, August 6, 2009

No respect for CX

I was looking at the Embrocation Cycling Journal's new website just now and came across this article

Contained therein is the following:

"Racing wraps up in most places in September or early October. If you are racing after that, it’s ‘cross, which does not require the same discipline as road or mountain biking, leaving you free to socialize as a normal person.

Go ahead, join your co-workers for happy hour, it’s OK if you miss a ride here or there. Racing Saturday morning? Whatever, it’s just ‘cross. Go ahead and take that cute girl from the produce section out for dinner; you don’t need a full night’s rest for a 50-minute effort. Besides, we all know ‘cross is just an excuse for beers afterwards, and that beer will taste much better if preceded by a 50-minute effort the evening prior (though the barriers might be more challenging)."

Cross doesn't require the same discipline as road? Are fun and discipline mutually exclusive? I realize the article is largely in jest, but I reserve my indignation! I spend far too much time driving to and from New England and worrying about tire pressure to take a joke!

1 comment:

Colin R said...

In his defense, he totally sucks at racing cross.