Monday, October 29, 2007

Past and Pending

This past weekend was uneventful, as there wasn't any good racing nearby, and the weather wasn't too great. In fact, until today, I haven't ridden since Thursday. Or done anything athletic. The quick transition to fall really threw off my desire to go out and train in the cold and or rain. But it's ok since I need time off anyway; I can afford to be lazy after 5 months of consistent training and racing. I did manage to clean up enough that I can see my bedroom floor, however. That's progress.

Today I did a bit of a duathlon consisting of a 45 minute run with the ski team followed by probably another 45 minutes of campus bombing with the 'cross bike. I haven't done an actual training ride since probably before GMSR, just random adventures to work on bike handling skills. And I also don't get enough weird looks during the normal course of my day, so riding that around makes up for it. I do notice that I get a lot of disgusted looks when I ride on trails, despite my efforts to be overly courteous to the runners and fat walkers.

Hotels are booked for the coming weekend's 'cross races in Farmington, CT and Northampton, MA. Once again, most of the local contingent of racers has backed out, leaving just two of us to drive over. Given that I have the only car, I'm driving AGAIN. While I'm looking forward to racing with the new bike, I'm also nervous because I don't have anymore excuses for not getting podium finishes. Left on the list are mechanical failures (now increased by not having a single-speed) , poor handling skills, and poor fitness. I can deal with the first, don't like to admit the second, and would hope I still have enough fitness to place well at cat 4. Perhaps I could complain about not having the right pressure since I don't have my tubular wheelset yet. I guess I'll find out. And I guess that means I'll have to get a good start as well.

Speaking of the new bike, here's a pic and a list of specs:

-Redline Conquest Pro, 56cm
-Redline carbon fork
-Ultegra shifters, rear derailleur, cassette (12-27)
-FSA Gossamer crank/MegaExo BB with single ring (42T)
-Paul neo-retro cantilevers in the front
-Paul touring cantilevers in back
-Thomson Elite seatpost
-Specialized Comp bars (Al with fake carbon weave at clamp)
-Ritchey WCS stem
-King heaset
-Time ATAC XS pedals
-Mavic Ksyrium Equipe with Mud2 on the front and Ritchey Speedmax in the rear

A slightly longer stem is soon to come, as well as a tubular wheelset glued to undetermined rubber.


Colin R said...

welcome to the internet. i'm banking on you to win cat 4 at least once this weekend. the fields are smaller than gloucester and you have gears. unless you registered last, should be no problem.

Jess said...

Yay you have a blog!

That's a pretty new bike. Good luck at your races.