Thursday, April 24, 2008

Coddington Road TT

Tonight was my first Coddington Road TT of the season. It was also the first time in a while I was out on the track bike. Add to this the virgin ride for the disc wheel setup in track mode, and the recipe was set for success. I'm still working on getting a decent aerobar drop, but that will come soon. I will hopefully be machining a threaded to threadless headset adapter tomorrow. Should be fun.

The Coddington course is about as flat as Ithaca gets, and overall I think it drops 20 feet in elevation. However, you do a fair amount of false flats for probably the first half of the 9.2 miles, which makes it a bit difficult for the track bike at points. I had 49x15 gearing, which is optimized for T-town and honestly probably the best you can do for this course as well.

Since local TT "race reports" aren't all that interesting, I'll cut to the punchline: a PR of 19:22. Granted there was a bit of a tailwind, but it certainly wasn't blowing me down course. My previous PR was ~20:40 on a geared bike, with aero bars/helmet but sans disc. I could have definitely spun a little better on the downhill portion, but overall I'm pretty happy with the effort. It never felt great, but the clock doesn't lie.

My blood work came back without any remarkable results, save some elevated levels of something- apparently due to seasonal allergies. Hmm. I also found out my hematocrit is 47%, which seems pretty decent, given that something around 50% is the ceiling for international competition. Now I just need some more blood boosting, haha.

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